Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Exciting news!

As many of you know, I finished my PhD just under a year ago and then have spent the last year doing, among other things, revisions on these papers. One paper came out in Geology in October, one was accepted in the summer and back-logged until the end of 2011, the final paper was accepted in December last year. Anyway, yesterday I got proofs for the paper accepted in December (so it will likely come out early this year) and just found out that the paper slated for end of this year is actually coming out in May. Fabulous! 

In other news, I am in the midst of course planning while trying to visit people and get ready to move. It's not going super fast, but I think that things will be ready in time. It's nice to finally have the textbooks for the classes I'm teaching. I think that one text book is a bit more advanced than I was hoping but that it's the best option currently available. We'll have to just focus on fewer chapters rather than trying to march through the whole book (which I wasn't planning on doing anyway). 

We leave tomorrow for the cross-country road trip.

--Dr. JZG